
Richard H.Turner’s Fried Coronation Chicken with Coronation Mayonnaise and Salt and Pepper Almond Praline

Richard H.Turner’s Fried Coronation Chicken with Coronation Mayonnaise and Salt and Pepper Almond Praline

Fried Coronation Chicken by Richard H. Turner

Right then, this dish had a run out at our Sunday Sessions over at Greensmith just recently and went down extremely well amongst the guests. One lady, who may have been of pensionable age, even asked if Chef was single or not after eating one. That’s the sort of sensual smack in the chops we’re talking about!

So, just in time for Charlie and Camilla’s big day, we thought we should share it with you and add some finger-lickin’ to all the flag-wavin’ and horn-tootin’ that may be accompanying your celebrations this coming weekend.

Or not, if the case may be. If you are simply taking advantage of the extra Bank Holiday with friends and family coming around, twelve of our English Label Oyster Chicken Thighs will be more than enough to go around.

This recipe does call for some deep-frying and if you are not in possession of the full belts and braces kit, you could always easily use a deep stock pot and about 5 litres of vegetable oil instead. 

Just be careful though kids and don’t forget to grab your Thermapen.

Don’t forget to wipe your mouths afterwards either. Especially if you are going to be upward standing for the pomp and ceremony and the accompanying National Anthem.

Richard H.Turner’s Fried Coronation Chicken with Coronation Mayonnaise and Salt and Pepper Almond Praline

Ingredients - serves 12

12 Oyster Chicken Thighs, complete with skin and bone

Oil, for deep frying


100g Korma curry paste

10garlic cloves, micro-planed

Juice and zest of three lemons

300g natural yoghurt

5g salt


200g self-raising flour

200g rice flour

50g cornflour

50g curry powder

50g chicken powder

5g salt

Coronation Mayonnaise

350ml shop bought mayonnaise

350g mango chutney (Tracklements is chef’s preference here)

10g Maldon sea salt

10g curry powder

Salt and Pepper Almond Praline

200g toasted almonds

100g light Muscovado sugar

100ml water

5g sea salt

5g black peppercorns

2g fennel seeds

2g coriander seeds

Collage of the side dishes


First, mix the marinade ingredients and coat the chicken completely in this mixture in a tray and or bowl. Cover with cling film and allow to sit overnight in the fridge.

Prep ahead in the morning by simply mixing the mayonnaise ingredients together with a spoon and try not to over blend. Keep it chunky.

For the praline, mix the sugar with the toasted almonds, water and salt and cook in a pan for around 12 minutes until caramelised. Toast the seeds and peppercorns and add to the nut mixture and then pour out onto a sheet to greaseproof paper. Once cooled, break up and blitz in a blender until it resembles coarse sand.

When ready to cook the chicken, remove the thighs from the fridge and mix the dry ingredients in a deep tray to make the dredge. Dip and dredge the chicken thighs through this mix thoroughly, leaving them in for a few minutes to properly coat.

Set your deep-fryer for 170°C and deep fry the chicken for 6 to 8 minutes - you may need to do this in batches. Then once done, remove and check the internal temperature, ensuring that the thigh has reached a minimum of 70°C. If not quite there, pop them back in for another minute. 

Rest in a warm oven, until all the thighs are done.

Serve with Coronation Mayonnaise and Salt and Pepper Praline for dipping.

Dip the fried chicken first in the sauce, then in the praline, enjoy!

Richard H.Turner’s Fried Coronation Chicken coated with Coronation Mayonnaise and Salt and Pepper Almond Praline

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